Our goal is to simplify the management of equipment and space with reliable technology and intuitive design. We have worked closely with educational institutions to build a flexible platform that not only addresses the needs of instructors and students, but also the needs of a variety of other organizations as well.

By describing a few key problems, and how ShutterJam resolves those problems, we hope to easily address your question of whether or not our platform is solving the issues that matter most to you.

Students are dependent upon staff for making equipment reservations. Staff are burdened with having to manage scattered booking requests.
ShutterJam provides a central location which manages all bookings as well as all equipment and space availability. Users can quickly make bookings for a specific date, time, and duration based on availability which ensures that booking conflicts don't happen.
Access to expensive equipment needs to be restricted to certain people. Spaces or equipment should not be available for booking all days of the week.
Our platform is designed to be flexible: users are managed as groups which are assigned specific privileges, or access, including scheduling and usage quotas. For example, users could be organized into three groups: staff, second-year students, and first-year students.

Additionally, equipment and spaces are also organized as groups, which greatly simplifies management.
Equipment was found damaged or is just simply missing. Equipment was booked, but the item was never picked up. Whoever last used the workshop failed to clean it up.
Every past, ongoing, and future booking is automatically tracked and is available for review. On top of that, the condition and history of every piece of equipment or space is automatically recorded as well. Lastly, user activity is also independently reviewable too.

When something turns up damaged, or missing, finding the person most likely responsible is as simple as pressing a button.
Done reading and ready to take the next step? Contact us today for a price quote and an in-depth demonstration.
Regulations or our organization's policies require that our user data is stored within Canada.
If regulations or your organization's policies limit data storage to within Canada, you have nothing to worry about: ShutterJam is 100% Canadian built and owned. We operate out of Vancouver in British Columbia and our servers are all located with Canada. And whenever possible, we work with Canadian third-parties over any other alternatives.
People need to be able to make bookings while on the move at any time.
From the very start, one of our top priorities has been to ensure a pleasant user experience for mobile devices.

No matter the device, whether it is a phone, laptop, or tablet, ShutterJam is accessible seven days a week, 24 hours a day, from anywhere on Earth.