What's New

Here are the update notes for ShutterJam. Continue reading to see what features have been added, what bugs have been fixed and what other miscellanecous changes have been made.

Major Changes

  • Performed a number of large and technical, behind-the-scenes updates to facilitate future updates to ShutterJam.
  • Added a new booking summary feature, Forecasts, which provide a near-term summary of what has been booked, broken down by time, equipment, and space.

Misc Changes

  • Minimized account options on the Dashboard to improve readability and reduce clutter.
  • Updated how the options for orgs on the Dashboard are displayed to better differentiate admin options from personal options.
  • Updated the search options on the Bookings page to improve readability and reduce clutter.
  • Updated the appearance of the Items Out modal on the Equipment page to be consistent with the new Forecasts additions.

Major Changes

  • Added the Help page which can be accessed from the dashboard or the bottom bar once logged in. The topics will be expanded over time to cover more advanced functionality and tasks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a minor error on the Book Equipment page.

Major Changes

  • Added the ability to review past bookings of space sections.
  • Added the ability to review booking equipment items on the Manage Bookings page. Now items can be swapped for other items of the same type when needed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the default profile image for users on the Manage Bookings page.
  • Fixed notes sometimes not appearing properly when looking at an item's booking history on the Manage Equipment page.
  • Fixed default profile images not showing up on the Manager Users page.
  • Fixed the default profile image for users when reviewing the booking history of equipment.

Misc Changes

  • Updated the default profile image for users.
  • Tweaked the home page for mobile.

Major Changes

  • Added the Our Story page.
  • There is no longer a limit on how far back equipment booking history can be reviewed.

Misc Changes

  • Numerous tweaks made to the home page and other associated pages.

Major Changes

  • User booking activity is now being tracked and summarized so that Organizations can review how equipment and spaces are being used. The new View Data section, provides a monthly breakdown on usage numbers for both equipment and spaces.
  • Notes can now be added during the equipment check-in process. New notes will now also be flagged based on when they are written (checkout, checkin or in between).
  • The recent booking activity for equipment items can now be reviewed from the Manage Equipment page.
  • Added the Pricing page.

Bug Fixes

  • 2019-11-12 0.10.1 fixed a number of issues with how recent booking activity was being presented.
  • 2019-11-12 0.10.1 added a web icon for apple devices.
  • Fixed multiple minor UI/UX issues.
  • Fixed items on the Past Bookings page not properly displaying the default image when necessary.
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to delete all the sections of a space.

Misc Changes

  • User groups have a new permission: whether or not they may view data.
  • Equipment bookings that are returned late now have the return date and time logged separately.
  • Space bookings will now show the section name on the user's Upcoming bookings, Active bookings, and Past bookings pages.
  • While logged in and viewing the dashboard or any of the areas within the dashboard, the top bar will no longer show front page links and now instead simply shows the written ShutterJam logo.

Major Changes

  • The home page has been completely redesigned. Most of the remaining public pages have now been conceptualized and now have placeholders.
  • Added the Why ShutterJam page.
  • Added the Contact page.
  • Migrated entire Javascript codebase to Typescript.
  • It is now possible to get a list of any checked-out equipment, or any spaces that are in use, from the Manage Bookings page.
  • Support for equipment booking notes has been expanded: notes can now be added after equipment has been checked out, and multiple notes can now be written per booking.
  • The user's Manage Bookings screen has been improved, primarily: imminent bookings that are scheduled for later now have countdowns and when a booking is less than 2 hours away, it can be checked out early if there are no conflicts. Additionally, any active spaces that the user has booked will now also be listed.

Bug Fixes

  • 2019-09-11 0.9.1 fixed an issue with the page selection on the equipment and space booking pages.
  • 2019-09-11 0.9.1 fixed the image scale slider failing to reset properly after being used the first time.
  • Fixed a bug associated with users requesting a password reset: users would be told that an email had been successfully sent even if there had been an error.
  • Fixed numerous minor UI/UX issues.
  • Fixed issues involving spaces with no sections.
  • Fixed minor issue where deleted space sections could appear when booking spaces.
  • Fixed issues involving space sections where irrelevant sections were in some cases, appearing during searches and bookings.
  • Empty date groups on the Upcoming Bookings page will now be removed after cancelling bookings.
  • Empty date groups on the user's Manage Bookings page will now be removed after cancelling bookings.
  • Fixed a number of minor issues with the user's Manage Bookings page screen.
  • Fixed an issue where missed bookings would still appear as upcoming bookings.

Misc Changes

  • When adding or updating equipment, classifications are now dynamically provided to ensure that the user is working with the most up-to-date information.
  • Improved the experience of working with images that are to be uploaded.
  • Refined look of top nav bar. Added mobile hamburger menu.
  • Made general improvements to mobile usability.
  • Refined the UI/UX in numerous places.
  • Disabled Firefox selection/focus borders.
  • Customized error pages and added a notice page for pages that are in development.
  • Tweaked the sign up process.
  • Updated project dependencies: migrated to bootstrap 4.3 and gulp 4.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed email issue that was preventing users from receiving emails when requesting to reset their password.
  • Refactored a bit of the new Javascript from the previous update to ensure that all JS meets ES5 specs so that older browsers remain supported.
  • Fixed issue preventing new users from signing up.

Misc Changes

  • Equipment bookings will now randomly select which available item to book. This will help ensure that wear and tear is more evenly distributed among equipment. This will also help reduce the possibility of late equipment returns impacting other bookings.
  • The about page link has been temporarily hidden.

Major Changes

  • Major polish pass ensuring UI is consistent, predictable and better looking.
  • Overhauled the Manage Space page: results are now dynamic; future bookings will be cancelled when necessary.
  • Overhauled the Manage Users page and backend logic: safeguards are now in place preventing users from being removed if they have checked out equipment; users can no longer move or remove themselves.
  • Confirmation modal dialogs have been replaced by a brief popup notification.
  • When checking out equipment, users with the proper privileges can now add notes to a booking that can be reviewed elsewhere (including when that equipment is returned).
  • The Manage Bookings page now allows users to limit their searches specifically to users that have checked out equipment, or to users that have bookings.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where individual equipment items could not be deleted.
  • Fixed issue where users would not be able to see past, active or upcoming bookings when placed in the Unassigned User Group.
  • Fixed issue where schedule information could improperly render and appear blank.
  • Fixed issue where equipment that was returned early failed to update booking end time.
  • Fixed issue where a user's upcoming bookings would not be cancelled when that user was removed from an organization.
  • Fixed issue with AWS S3 image caching.
  • Fixed issue on the Book Space page, where spaces with location information would cause an error if the user supplied search keywords.

Misc Changes

  • Removed some unnecessary debug code.
  • Users now have their user group name displayed while selected on the Manage Users page.
  • Relating to the polish pass, much of the front-end code base has been refactored or improved.
  • Privacy Policy added.
  • Terms & Conditions page added.
  • Added placeholder text to date and time inputs to help users with browsers that do not support HTML5 date or time inputs.
  • Checked out equipment listed on the Manage Bookings page will now be shown as being late if it hasn't been returned on time.

Major Changes

  • Users with the correct permissions can now cancel upcoming equipment bookings that belong to other users.
  • Overhauled the manage equipment page: results are now dynamic; safeguards have been put into place to prevent equipment from being deleted when in use (this still needs to be done for spaces too) - future bookings will be cancelled when necessary; it's now possible to see the number of items that are out, and who has them.
  • Related to the updates to the Manage Equipment page, a new privilege has been added for user groups: the Can Edit Equipment privilege will allow users to delete, edit or create categories and equipment on the Manage Equipment page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue on the organization page, where search results would not display the organization's image.
  • Fixed issue where user info could not be retrieved.
  • Fixed alignment of the search button when looking for organizations to join.

Misc Changes

  • Unusable buttons have been temporarily hidden.
  • Lines added to certain rows for organizations to make lists more readable.
  • Improvements made to tags and to searching.
  • The dashboard buttons are now all equally spaced and positioned.
  • Favicon is now in place.

Major Changes

  • Equipment and spaces can now be booked. Search results now show if equipment or spaces are available based on existing bookings.
  • Booking related pages have been added for users under each membership.
  • Users can review and cancel their upcoming bookings from the Upcoming Bookings page.
  • Users can review their active bookings from the Active Bookings page and end space bookings early.
  • Users can review their past bookings from the Past Bookings page.
  • User bookings can now be reviewed by other users with the necessary permissions. Equipment can now be handed out and returned.
  • Users can now view when they are allowed to book equipment or space, as well as the availability of equipment or space.
  • Organizations now have a time zone setting that influences all booking and schedule logic.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some incorrect icons appearing on page headers.
  • Fixed an issue with how permission data was being saved in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue with operations appearing to complete successfully where in reality they failed due to the user having logged out.
  • Fixed image cropping bug and fixed the MIME types of uploaded images to proper values.

Misc Changes

  • Image cropping/selection has been made far more robust and now responds to changes in window size.
  • Improvements made to backend operations and providing frontend with more detailed responses.
  • Re-organized some elements on the dashboard and swapped out some icons.
  • Optimized organization profile image sizes for some user pages.
  • Reworked date and time logic on the backend to now work with organization timezones.
  • Equipment, space and user searches can be performed with no search text to return all possible results.
  • Decoupled/abstracted search related code to better handle searches for spaces, equipment or users.

Major Changes

  • Users can now change their password when logged in from their account security page.
  • Tags are no longer comma separated words and are no longer limited to 5 words. Instead, now up to 100 characters can be used and there is no limit on the number of words.
  • Tags were removed from space sections due to performance and UI/UX reasons. Tags are of course still available for spaces.
  • Most core booking features have been implemented. Users can now search and find spaces or equipment; results are properly returned and are split up into pages if necessary; a large chunk of the booking programming is now done on the backend but there is still more work to do before users can actually book spaces or equipment.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where after removing a section from a space or an item from equipment the form would fail to re-validate.
  • Fixed various Safari related visual bugs.
  • Fixed bug where after updating an account profile image, the old image would remain inside the update popup.
  • Fixed a bug where when moving an image (during the process of adding an image to equipment, spaces or setting an account profile image) the image would remain registered as still being moved by the user even after the cursor had left the dragging area.

Misc Changes

  • Improvements made to how the backend manages image uploads.
  • The image edit area when adding an image to equipment, spaces or account profile has been made larger.
  • Deployment script has been upgraded to address client caching. Now updates to CSS or Javascript will be properly received by clients instead of requiring a hard refresh to invalidate cache.
  • Implemented filterting on almost all text fields for forms to provide consistent aesthetic for user and organization text.
  • Implemented filterting on text fields for forms where the text is used for search pursposes (such as tags, equipment brand, space name, etc) to ensure reliable searching operations.
  • Changed the query used by users when searching for organizations. Now more efficient and will scale well.
  • Added database indexes to ensure proper performance when searching both now and in the future as the database grows.
  • User info is now available from the user management page.
  • Upgraded Symfony to version 3.4 from version 3.2.
  • Upgraded Bootstrap to version 1.0 from Beta 2.
  • Changed a database query used for the user management page so that signup codes and user groups are now sorted alphanumerically. The query is also now much more efficient.

Major Changes

  • Added the What's New page.
  • Added the account profile page: public profile and address information can now be viewed and edited.
  • Organizations can create signup codes allow new users to join (and potentially be automatically assigned to a user group).
  • Users can now search for organizations and join them - or leave any existing organizations.
  • Organizations can manage users: users can be moved to different user groups or removed from the organization entirely.
  • Users now have access to any admin permissions they have been granted, on a per-organization basis.
  • If an account password has been forgotten, it can now be reset to a temporary new password. Next update will allow accounts to change their passwords once logged in.

Bug Fixes

  • Sub lists when managing equipment, spaces or permissions are now properly sorted alphanumerically when the page is loaded.
  • User group permissions will now properly update when their classification is renamed.

Misc Changes

  • Added footer to all pages with links to both new and old pages.
  • Accounts on signup or when updating their address now must select country from a predefined list.
  • Added city field to user addresses.
  • Change wording of permission groups so they are less confusing - they are now called classifications.
  • Open-able elements like categories and user groups are easier to click on and more consistent looking.
  • Removed the superficial text displaying whether or not an account was an organization or individual.
  • Dashboard for organization users will now display the department.
  • Various supporting softwares and code have been upgraded and or replaced by more modern equivalents.
  • Progress has been made on making the site more mobile friendly.
  • Equipment items and space sections are now sorted alphabetically.

Initial alpha release for the photography department at Langara.